Techno Creativity in Video Games, Animation and Immersive Experiences

Who are we?

Québec EPIX is a major group of companies and stakeholders in the technocreative industry, specializing in video games, animation, and immersive experiences in the Québec region. Through initiatives and mobilizing projects, our mission is to promote the unique expertise of the Capitale-Nationale on a global scale, while supporting its development both locally and internationally.

Our role

We want to take the Québec City region’s techno-creative industry to new heights. This is why we offer support, collaboration opportunities, projects and activities that help our businesses and their partners to:

  • Increase competitiveness
  • Position Québec City’s techno-creative industry on the international scene
  • Promote innovation and R&D
  • Promote collaboration between the various stakeholders in the industry

Our achievements

The impact of our actions is significant, benefiting the entire industry. Discover some of the major projects we have collaborated on that have helped Québec's technocreative sector to progress and shine.

  • CATAPULTE Contest and Acceleration Program
  • La Caravane - The Video Game Entrepreneurs Tour
  • CORE Program - Organizational Growth
  • International Missions: GDC, KIKK Festival, SXSW

Our impact on the industry

For us, 2021 was:

  • $1.8M

    in economic benefits

  • 37

    support activities

  • 3,384

    participants in our initiatives

Digital animation

Our environment

An industry is nothing without its businesses, support organizations and workers. Thankfully, Québec EPIX and the Québec City region’s techno-creative industry can rely on first-class actors that excel at standing out, innovating and entertaining.

Our businesses' achievements

Little speaks as loud about an industry’s success as the achievements of its businesses. Find out about some of the major projects in the region’s techno-creative environment.

  • Sabotage Studio: the largest crowdfunding campaign for a Canadian video game

    The independent video game developer Sabotage Studio turned to crowdfunding to support the development of its new game, Sea of Stars. Within a month, the campaign had reached $1,628,126, 12 times the studio’s initial goal, and the highest amount ever raised for a Canadian video game.

    Learn more

  • Québec triumphs at the Game Awards

    Two games designed entirely or partially in Québec, Baldur's Gate 3 and Sea of Stars, are nominated for the prestigious Game Awards

    Learn more

  • Lü fait une acquisition en France avec un partenaire d'affaires

    Lü Aire de jeu interactive, qui transforme les espaces d’apprentissage en environnements d’apprentissage immersifs pour les élèves d’âge primaire, et son partenaire Megaform, ont annoncé l’acquisition conjointe de Marbotic, une entreprise française oeuvrant dans le domaine des technologies de l’éducation.  

    En savoir plus

Our industry

A balance between history and modernity, creativity and technology, Québec City’s techno-creative environment is characterized by a collaborative spirit and diverse industry stakeholders. Thanks to a combination of major players and ambitious businesses, video games, animation and immersive experiences are now among the region’s strongest industries.

Main fields of expertise:

  • Animation
  • Special effects
  • Video game development 
  • Specialized video game services (audio, programming, marketing, art)
  • Video games
  • 3D environment
  • Immersive experiences
  • Virtual and augmented reality
  • Pre-production and post-production

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Bandeau Icones 10e anniversaire EPIX

Our Partners

Partenaire corporatif

Québec EPIX is a registered trademark of Québec International.