Selling and exporting: Set your sights on the world

Do you want to increase your sales in other territories? Looking to improve your commercialization strategies both nationally and internationally? Call upon our team to help.

Take advantage of our expertise in marketing, in e-commerce and exporting as well as our extensive network of contacts both here and abroad. It’s an easy way for you to increase opportunities, reduce your risks and avoid making costly mistakes.

In addition, our team is mandated, by the governments of Canada and Quebec, to assume the role of regional export promotion organization (ORPEX) for the Québec City region. Our organization is a member of Commerce International Québec, the network of 20 ORPEX in Quebec.

Are you ready to conquer new markets? Find out how we can help you to kickstart your competitiveness.

Québec export program

Programmes et services-conseils


Envie de propulser vos produits et services sur la scène internationale? Mais avez-vous pensé à tout? Certifications, douanes, logistique... se lancer dans l'aventure de l'exportation sans un plan solide pourrait s'avérer coûteux.

Pour garder une longueur d'avance et renforcer la compétitivité de votre entreprise, pourquoi ne pas enrichir vos connaissances ou affiner votre expertise?

Plongez dans l'univers de nos programmes, participez à nos formations spécialisées et laissez-vous inspirer par nos conférences stimulantes. Faites le plein de stratégies gagnantes pour votre expansion internationale!

Notre équipe est mandatée par les gouvernements du Canada et du Québec pour assumer le rôle d’Organisme régional de promotion des exportations (ORPEX) pour la grande région de Québec. Notre organisation est ainsi membre de Commerce International Québec, le réseau des 20 ORPEX du Québec.

Prix MercadOr

MercadOr Québec souligne les efforts et les succès des entreprises qui exportent leurs services, leurs produits et leurs expertises aux quatre coins du monde.  

Programs and financial assistance - Entrepreneurial Vision - Québec 2026

Focusing on entrepreneurship, innovation, growth, financing and support, the Entrepreneurial Vision – Québec 2026 aims to make Québec City the entrepreneurial capital of the country within 5 years. It brings together programs and financial assistance measures to grow businesses. The Vision receives over $75.8 million in funding from the Government of Québec over four years. This funding was extended until March 2025 and increased by $19.6 million. The City of Québec, Secrétariat à la Capitale-Nationale and Québec International act as key partners in the deployment of the Vision.

Contact us today!

Reach out to Québec International for any questions you may have, to book an appointment, or to discuss your project. Our team will be in contact with you as soon as possible.

Our partners

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