Why choose our region

Our economic development agency has received numerous distinctions over its 20 years of existence. We promote our region’s industry sectors on a global scale and we are a one-stop shop for international entrepreneurs and investors.

Download the fact sheet on the Québec City region’s business environment!

Investing in our region, your key to success!

You will find that our region has all the assets to help you succeed in establishing your subsidiary, starting your business, taking over an existing company, and developing your business:

  • ‎ Good political and economic stability
  • Very advantageous financials programs
  • A specialized and highly educated pool of workers
  • Innovative business ecosystems and cutting-edge technology
  • World-class researchers and research centres
  • Each link in your value chain is within reach
  • And many other factors that help lower your operating costs!

Expertise, innovation, creativity... You will find all that and more in Québec City!

Québec City is the place to take your business to the next level.

Watch this video and discover the economic vibrancy that characterizes our city.

Operating costs are 35% lower

Choosing the greater Québec City region will help significantly lower your operating costs, among many other benefits.

  • 30.1%

    cheaper in R&D compared to the average of all American cities

  • 26.5%

    Corporate tax rate, among the lowest in North America

  • 3rd

    Rank in North America in terms of talent affordability

  • 3rd

    Rank in Canada in terms of business friendliness

  • 62.4%

    Of the population is of working age

  • 99%

    Of hydroelectricity is clean energy

Canada is also a signatory to 14 free trade agreements with 51 countries that represent 62% of the world’s GDP. This gives you access to over 1.5 billion consumers. In fact, Canada is the only G7 country to have entered a free trade agreement with the USA and Europe (CUSMA, CETA, and CPTPP).


By establishing your business in our region, you could benefit from exceptional financial support options.

Find out more about Québec City's financial programs and measures, and consult the Vision entrepreneuriale Québec 2026.

    In Québec City, many advantageous and unique funding programs are offered by cities and regional county municipalities (RCMs). For example:

    • International investment projects (up to $500k) 
    • Research infrastructure (up to $500k) 
    • Launch and pre-incubation of a new innovative business (up to $250k) 
    • Expansion in the Saint-Roch technology park: up to 25%, maximum of $500k for leasehold and real estate improvements
    • And much more!

    By choosing to establish your business in the greater Québec City region, you could also benefit from very attractive funding programs from the provincial and federal governments.

    • Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax incentives (15% to 60%) 
    • Tax exemption for foreign researchers or experts 
    • ESSOR program
    • MITACS program: up to $80k/year for research in the fields of agriculture, food, AI, biomanufacturing, clean technology, etc.
    • And many more!

    Contact our team of experts for more information about the funding opportunities that you could be eligible for!

  • To find out more... Come and visit us!

    To organize the visit of a group of companies, organizations or municipal representatives to Québec City, use our delegation hosting service by completing the form provided.

  • To get started, count on us!

    If you are well advanced in your set-up project, or if you are ready to market a service or product here, follow our 3 simple steps to setting up business in Quebec City.