We help make your life easier!
Québec International will be your one-stop shop for all your needs. We'll put our local knowledge and foreign investment expertise to work for your projet, whether you are setting up a subsidiary, taking over a company, starting a start-up or expanding your business.
Step 1
Contact our team of experts in foreign investment and tell us about your project: prospection@quebecinternational.ca
Step 2
Our team will discuss ith you to clarify your project, assess its feasibility and guide you for the next steps.
Step 3
We offer customized support for your plans for establishment, expansion, talent attraction, move to digital technology or search for funding.
You can learn more about Québec International’s different services in the ‘Our Services’ tab.
If your business plan is still getting off the ground, contact one of the incubator-accelerators in our region. They will be able to guide you along the path of success, whatever your line of business!