Québec City: The capital of insurance and financial services

Do you know why the Québec City region is nicknamed the “Insurance Capital”? Because there are 10 insurance and financial services corporate headquarters located there, which makes it the Canadian leader.

What is fantastic about this industry is that the region's economy supports businesses in this sector, which are helping the same economy weather the ups and downs of the global economy. It has versatile synergy with other industries and training institutions.

Find out why this region has a strong and lengthy history in insurance and financial services.

Insurance and financial services

A few key figures about insurance and financial services in Québec City

Data: Statistique Canada, Conference Board du Canada et Québec International 2023.

  • 42,000


  • 771


  • 22.6%

    Share of the region’s GDP

Significant players in insurance and financial services

The insurance and financial services industry has a prominent place in the region’s economy. In fact, three of the region's life and health insurance companies rank among the 10 largest in Canada.

Do you want to know which companies from this industry are found in this region? Here are some of the major ones:

Professionals with essential expertise for Québec City’s economy

What is the insurance industry’s secret of the success in the region? It has diverse expertise and is supported by a large pool of professionals. This industry has passionate workers with varied skills that deal with different sectors of the industry, such as:

  • Personal insurance
  • General insurance (property and casualty insurance)
  • Life insurance
  • Cooperative financial services
  • Investment and real estate funds
  • Wealth and portfolio management

Insurance industry research centres and chairs

Did you know that there is research in the field of insurance and financial services. Why? To enable the industry to develop innovative programs that better meet the population’s needs.

In Québec City, there is a real synergy between the various research centres, educational institutions and insurance and financial services companies. They work together to ensure the evolution of their field and their services.

Learn about the different groups and expertise that is generated because of these partnerships.

Chaire d’assurance et de services financiers L’Industrielle-Alliance

Université Laval established its Chair in Insurance in 1975. It later became the Chaire d’assurance et de services financiers L’Industrielle-Alliance and it promotes and supports emerging areas in the insurance industry, such as:

  • Research
  • Training
  • Risk transfer

Do you want to learn more? Explore the Chaire d’assurance et de services financiers L’Industrielle-Alliance page on the Université Laval website. 

Chaire Groupe Investors en planification financière

The Chaire Groupe Investors en planification financière was created in 1988 by the Faculté des sciences de l’administration at Université Laval. Its mission? This Chair works with a multi-disciplinary group of professors, researchers and practitioners in the field of financial planning to promote:

  • Training
  • Research
  • Knowledge-sharing

Do you want to learn more about its mission and its areas of priority? Consult the Chaire Groupe Investors en planification financière page on the Université Laval Faculté des sciences de l’administration’s website.

Chaire RBC en innovations financières

Inaugurated in 2006 by Université Laval, the Chaire RBC en innovations financières was created thanks to a commitment by the Royal Bank of Canada. Its purpose is to further promote in the field of finance:

  • Research
  • Teaching
  • Knowledge-sharing
  • Field training
  • Relationships with the business community

For more information, visit the Chaire RBC en innovations financières page on the Université Laval website.

Université Laval’s Laboratory for Financial Engineering (LABIFUL)

As a research and training centre, the Université Laval's Laboratory for Financial Engineering helps to promote and disseminate financial engineering techniques and methods.

For more information, visit the Université Laval’s Laboratory for Financial Engineering website.

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